
Your French Name is:
Agnès Barbeau
What's Your French Name?
Your Drag Queen Name Is:
Zsa Zsa LaHore
Drag Queen Name Generator
Your Theme Song is Back in Black by AC/DC
"Back in black, I hit the sack,
I've been too long, I'm glad to be back"

Things sometimes get really crazy for you, and sometimes you have to get away from all the chaos.
But each time you stage your comeback, it's even better than the last!
What's Your Theme Song?
You Are 77% Passionate, 23% Compassionate
You are very passionate, especially when it comes to love.
In fact, it's sometimes difficult for you to tell between love and lust.
You jump in head first, and figure things out later... usually when it's all over!
Is Your Love Style Passionate or Compassionate?


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